Our High-Risk Program was established in 2001 to help patients with rare genotypes or those without insurance to find donors within the DKMS database. In these cases, we do provide support where searches are not covered by the health-care system and no additional funding is available.
Once a request has been submitted and approved, we will conduct a search of all registered DKMS donors worldwide to check for any potential matches.
In addition to this, if any DKMS donors registered in Germany are found to be a potential match but are only typed in low resolution, then we will arrange for them to be re-typed in our DKMS Life Science Lab. This is all done at no cost to either the patient or the transplant center.
Search coordinators and transplant centers can make a request by downloading our form and emailing this to Alois Grathwohl at grathwohl@dkms.de.
We will then get back to you with information about the availability of any 10/10 matches (or also 9/10 matches if requested). If any low-resolution typed donors registered in Germany are found to be a potential match, then we will first arrange for them to be re-typed and will only inform you if they are confirmed to be a match after re-typing.
Alois Grathwohl